Overview of Change Management Methodology

Overview of Change Management Methodology
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Change Management Methodology Definition

Change is inevitable in any organization and processes. Approaching change in a systematic way constitutes the principles of change management.

Change management methodology helps a company prepare for planned and unplanned changes. This change can be forced upon an organization from both internal or external factors. Often external changes are initiated by end users who want to modify the product.

Involving Members of Your Organization

When instituting any change, it is best to create a plan in advance. But, above all you need to involve everyone in your organization. All successful reorganizations campaigns start with the people who are going to be involved in the change, including employees, management and stakeholders.

Change management methodology is no longer a function that is just relegated to the HR team. Structured change that involves a majority of an organization will increase your chances of a successful. Change management methodology not only helps ensure that the transition that you are implementing is successful, it will also help you diagnose problems with the transition before they become a crisis

Before you begin instituting any change, you need a framework from which to build. This is known as the structured change management methodology. This method allows you to not only overcome resistance by employees, but plan for that resistance. You can enhance your chances of success by appealing to the most affected employees in the process and using them to advance your plan.

When and How to Implement Change

You should always implement any changes at the beginning of a process or project. Unless a major disaster occurs, your employees will be more apt to accept the change if it is initiated at the start rather than if it happens mid-way through the project. More importantly, when implementing changes - start simple. It is easier for those affected to make small changes than to be impacted by extremely complex and challenging reorganizations. Plus, if you start simply, your new implementations are more likely to stick.


Above all, when implementing change management methodology, you need to account for the individual perspective. Get feedback from your employees, contractors, management and stakeholders.

Your employees, especially, will be your motivators for acceptance. Get them involved from the beginning. Provide training on why the change is needed and how it will benefit everyone. Motivate employees to accept the change, and then reinforce this acceptance.

Change management methodology ensures that changes to the organization are standardize and controlled. And, this will provide project managers with the tools to efficiently handle and maintain the needed changes.

There are several great solutions on the market to help project managers better manage change. Read <em>Change Management in Software Development Projects</em> to learn more about them.

This post is part of the series: Change Management

This series explains what change management is and how it can be used within a project manager’s organization.

  1. What is Change Management Methodology?
  2. Using Change Management Methodology to Deal with the Risks of Change
  3. Communication in Change Management
  4. Approaches to Change Management
  5. Change Management Strategies
  6. Dealing with the Issues of Change in Project Management
  7. Defining Change Management
  8. Tools for Successful Change Management
  9. Negotiating the Advantages and Disadvantages of Change Management
  10. Correct Processes for Change Management