What is Primavera? Project Portfolio Management Software

What is Primavera? Project Portfolio Management Software
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Project Portfolio Management and Primavera

Project portfolio management (PPM) is important to any business. It allows companies to distribute resources effectively and catch issues before they become big problems. Organizations need to be able to look at the projects, decide which have priority and assign resources to the most important projects.

With this in mind, you need to take a look at your organizational structure and see what can be fixed. The three main components of PPM are process, people and tools. All three of these need to be taken into account when establishing PPM in your organization.

Source: www.primavera.com

A business process must be in place before you start anything. Otherwise, your tools won’t take. Plus, all your people must be on board so that you can get their input and support. Finally, you need to bring in tools.

Source: www.primavera.com

One of the best tools on the market right now is Primavera. Having received numerous rewards over the years, it has established itself as a market leader in PPM software. Primavera has served over 75,000 customers over the years and is very experienced in providing software solutions to customers.

Possibly the most important reason for obtaining a software program is to help you pick the correct project mix. You need to have priorities. You don’t need to be working on 10 projects that all need the same resources. Primavera helps you with this issue.Primavera will also allow you to improve processes, enhance collaboration between teams and measure your progress. Plus, Primavera helps you with management of projects by assuring governance.

Since 1983, Primavera has been helping companies successfully finish more projects on time and within budget. Recently, the company was selected to provide services to Dwr Cymru Welsh Water in the United Kingdom, a 915-million-pound project. Welsh Water had been having problems with scheduling projects and controlling resources and cost.

Source: www.primavera.com

They have brought in Primavera to help them with planning and managing multi-team projects. Primavera will help Welsh Water with standardization and targeting. This will allow project managers to have more control and deliver quality projects to clients.

Primavera has helped many companies achieve success. While cost cutting is important, the overall goal of Primavera is to provide you with quality projects that are delivered on time. Plus, consistency improves, and clients will trust in your work and continue to use your services.

For a indepth look at Project Portfolio Management, read Portfolio Management: Bringing a Method to the Project Management Madness.