Which is a More Effective Resource Management in Companies? Interface Management or Micro-Management?

Which is a More Effective Resource Management in Companies? Interface Management or Micro-Management?
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This article discusses the merits and de-merits of both styles of management and also explains when each resource management technique can be implemented to achieve best results. It describes the potential impact of each style of management on the employees and also describes certain situations in which each style can be deployed to achieve best results.


Micro-Management is a management style or a project management technique where a superior closely observes, monitors & controls the work of sub-ordinates. It is usually used in a negative / derogatory manner and characterizes a poor style of resource management.

Characteristics of Micro-Management:

  • Lower morale of employees

  • Employees feel constricted

  • Consumes more of managers time

  • Discourages initiatives and interaction

  • Meetings are not a priority

  • Team communication is only top-down

When should you use Micro-Management?

Micro-Management is a technique which should best be avoided. It results in reduced performance in the long run. However, for a short term, if the employees lack the inherent capabilities, are extremely new to the job, then they may require a very large amount of guidance from the manager or if the task on hand is critical in nature and the associated risk of failure needs to be completely eliminated, it may necessitate a certain amount of micro-management.

Interface Management

Interface Management is a management style where a superior believes in the inherent capabilities of his employees and empowers sub-ordinates to a greater extent. Employees are given a certain amount of responsibility and freedom, and meetings are held where each employee is accountable for his sphere of responsibilities.

Characteristics of Interface Management:

  • Better employee morale

  • Employees feel empowered

  • Significantly frees up managers time

  • Improves & encourages initiatives and interaction

  • Meetings become a priority

  • Team communication is both ways

When should you use Interface Management?

Interface Management is the technique which should ideally be adopted for the long run. It improves the overall working culture in the organization and will result in greater productivity from the employees. An employee needs to be recognized for his inherent capabilities and given due responsibility in order to ensure his long-term growth. This will help create an empowered organization.

Thus while Micro-Management can be applied in certain scenarios, it is more preferable to utilize interface management as it is better suited for effective resource management in companies.

Empowering Employees through Interface Management

The following diagram denotes how employees feel empowered when an Interface Management style is used.